Our Mission: Our Mission is to encourage diversity and mutual acceptance and to work for positive change in ourselves and our community.
"We envision a congregation in which we practice the principles of our faith. We seek to enjoy peaceful reflection and inspiration in intellectually and spiritually satisfying church services. We aim to embrace the people and efforts of our church community by supporting our children and their programs, our committees and their goals, our staff and their efforts on our behalf, and each other."
March Services - Welcome to the Gift of Transformation
Registration is not required. Tap "Register Now" to see service details.
See everything happening at UUNB on the website calendar!
There is something dying in our society, in our culture, and there’s something dying in us individually. And what is dying, I think, is the willingness to be in denial. And that is extraordinary. It’s always been happening, and when it happens in enough of us, in a short enough period of time at the same time, then you have a tipping point, and the culture begins to shift...Rev. angel Kyodo williams
Did you miss Sunday service? Watch it here!
What does it mean to be a people of Transformation?
March 10: Ramadan, Changing Our Attention, Ramadan Around the World by Ndaa Hassan
March 14: AHA! New Bedford: Women's Work, 5-7 pm. Join the Way Cool Sunday School team for a Soul Shakedown with art, music, and more!
March 17: Spring Equinox - Changing Seasons Grow New Things. So Can We!
[Online-only service - New Bedford Half Marathon]
March 24: Change Ignorance Into Learning, Purim: Queen Esther
March 31: Easter - The Change from Sad Hearts to Hopeful Hearts; Remembering that Bad Times Won’t Last Forever, The Egg We Need by Anne Howard (UUA)
“Transformation: We adapt to the changing world. We covenant to collectively transform and grow spiritually and ethically. Openness to change is fundamental to our Unitarian and Universalist heritages, never complete and never perfect.”
AHA! New Bedford Soul Shakedown at UU New Bedford from 5-7 pm in the Sanctuary! Join us for storytelling, music, mosaic, and more! Soul Shakedown is an opportunity to express yourself via art, listen to music, and take part in a storytelling exercise! This month's AHA! theme is Women's Work.
From the UUA
Assurances & Affirmations
By Jami Yandle
March, 2024
“I said to the sun, ‘Tell me about the big bang.’ The sun said, ‘It hurts to become.’"—Andrea Gibson
Recently, a friend of mine was lamenting to me about having a particularly “low ebb” day—my name for days that are hard for no identifiable reason. The dishes pile up in the sink. Those important emails go unanswered. The clothes don't get pulled out of the dryer and put away. Simple tasks aren’t so simple, and everything is…harder. As such, my friend was feeling a little down, and motivation was scarce for them.
I knew I was supposed to listen and not try to fix anything in our conversation, with one caveat: to help take the edge off, I decided to affirm all of the things I love about them, while I witnessed their struggle and pain.
My friend and I have a consent culture around this practice. We agreed years ago to affirm one another when the low ebb days hit, in an attempt to help get us out of the funk. I know a little something about those days: days where I don’t feel loved, worthy, or whole. When I feel that way, I need love from friends and my community but it’s hard to ask for it.
Slowly, my friend began to feel a little better. Then I got a few more friends in our circle to follow suit by sending them uplifting messages of affirmations of who they are, and what we so admire and love about them. Our friend then began to tackle their tough tasks, held by the healing balm of our small but fierce beloved community.
They texted me later that night to thank me, telling me how great it was to receive so much affirmation. It reminded them of who they are and why they’re so important to this world.
Appreciation and deep witness are beautiful gateways for returning to our most authentic selves. That day it was their turn to ask for help; tomorrow it might be mine. The day after, it might be yours.
What if we normalized asking for and receiving affirmations more regularly? If you have a few extra spoons, what would it look like to bless a friend who is out of spoons by sending extra affirmation, assurance, and love?
We are not just flesh and bone, we have stardust in our veins, a reminder that we carry within us the planets that align in our hearts. May we show up for one another, show up for ourselves in the process, and remember we are divinity incarnate. May we learn to lean into that pure and true source in each other more willingly, and with a love that will not abandon us and will sustain us for the many hard days that have passed and those yet to come.
About the Author
Jami A. Yandle
The Rev. Jami Yandle (they/them) is a non-binary UU minister, graduate of Union Theological Seminary, and is a Board Certified Chaplain. Currently, Rev. Yandle serves the UUA as the Transgender Support Specialist.
Easter Flower order forms are available at the entrance to the sanctuary and in the Parish House. Please have all orders in by March 22.
On Sunday, March 3, members of the social justice teams at UU Fairhaven and UU New Bedford met to discuss ways we could support each other in our work with the community. Fences were mended, and bridges were built to support the two organizations' stronger future. Missing from the photo is Karen, but she did attend.
We want your feedback! Please take our anonymous survey to better understand the congregation's specific needs as we plan for the future. Thank you for your participation.
Click on the image below to get started!
Volunteers Needed!
The 40th Annual Jazz service will be held on June 30, 2024. We are looking for a few church members to serve on a committee to work out the event's details, plan fundraising, and sell ads to help offset the cost of hiring performers. If you are interested, please email admin@uunewbedford.org.
From the Unitarian Universalist Hysterical Society
Our Promises
Each person is important.
Be kind in all you do.
We help each other learn.
We search for what is true.
Each person has a say.
Work for a peaceful world.
The web of life’s the way.
Build the beloved community, free from racism and oppression.
First Unitarian Church in New Bedford
71 8th Street, New Bedford, MA 02740
(508) 994-9686
Administrator ext. 10
Minister ext. 13
Karen cell: (508) 441-9344
Board Members & Officers
Steve Carmel, President
Charles Morgan, Vice President
Deborah Carmel, Treasurer
Cora Peirce, Clerk
Committee Chairs
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