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The Compass, May 15, 2024


Our Mission is to encourage diversity and mutual acceptance and work for positive change in ourselves and our community.

"We envision a congregation in which we practice the principles of our faith. We seek to enjoy peaceful reflection and inspiration in intellectually and spiritually satisfying church services. We aim to embrace the people and efforts of our church community by supporting our children and their programs, our committees and their goals, our staff and their efforts on our behalf, and each other."


If I had access to people who looked like me growing up, my life would have been so much easier. The suicide rates for trans and non-binary youth, especially trans and non-binary youth of color, are astronomical. And the reason they're so high is because when you tell us we don’t exist, at some point we begin to believe you. And media representation is actually a visual argument to the world, [saying], “We’re here. We’re queer. We’re trans. We’re people of color. We’re gender non-conforming. Our lives matter. We're going and navigating through things that are simultaneously extremely similar to you and extremely different for you, and you cannot erase us!” Alok Vaid-Menon


May Services - Welcome to the Gift of Pluralism

Registration is not required. Tap "Register Now" to see service details.

The Music of Scott Joplin with Rev. Karen LeBlanc and Music Director Randy Fayan

Social Justice Service Celebrating AAPI Heritage Month


See everything happening at UUNB on the website calendar!


Upcoming Events

Registration is preferred for the following events but not required.


Join the Social Justice Committee tonight at 6:30 pm. We will be planning Pride events in June.


Did you miss Sunday service? Watch it here!


May 19: Many People: “No One Get Left Out!”, Way Cool Sunday School Slideshow

Annual Meeting following Service

May 26: Many Things to Celebrate & Many Reasons to Honor Memorial Day,  Photos from the Sunday School Team

A few of the Sunday School kids got to help Rick ring the bell on Sunday! (See below)


We are still looking for volunteers to help with the Jazz Service on June 30. Thank you, Lynn, Pam, Brownie, Deb, and Steve for volunteering.

Save the Date!

Tonianne Wong, Chair of the Social Justice Committee is hosting a Dumpling Party on May 18, at 4:00 PM, in honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This event is open to church members only. Please wear clothes you don't mind getting messy in as this is a hands-on experience. Attendees will eat together at about 6 PM. Please email admin@uunewbedford if you plan on attending so we know how many ingredients to buy.

The Annual Meeting of the Membership is scheduled for May 19, 2024, at 12:00 PM. Members were notified by mail as per the bylaws. Registration is NOT required.


We Are Looking for Business Sponsors

Have a business or know someone who does? We are selling sponsorship ads in the program. Prices start at just $45! The money raised will help offset the cost of musicians. Click on the image below to get started. So far we have received commitments from The Fiber Optic Center, Tri-Town Against Racism, Tony's Auto Detailing, The Symphony Music Shop, Traveler's Ale House, and Delicate Touch Salon. We have extra printed copies of the ad packet in the office. If you would like a few please let the office know.

Ads are due by JUNE 1.


New Bedford Festival Theater has donated two tickets to their summer production. Raffle tickets will be available to purchase Monday - Friday, 10 AM - 1 PM, in the office or on Sundays after service. The winner will be drawn on June 30 after the Jazz Service.


Thrift Shop Update

Now featuring Spring clothing!

Sale items:

  • Four upholstered bar stools

  • File cabinet & office chair

  • Decorative pillows & rugs

New Donations

  • Jewelry

  • Lamps

  • More kitchen items


From the UUA

Email Scams Are a Growing Concern for Congregations. Here’s How to Stay Safe.

Vigilance and communication are key. Try these tech tips from Unitarian Universalist Association security and IT experts. ADRIA WALKER 4/1/2024

Have you ever gotten an email from a trusted source that seemed fishy? Maybe it appeared to come from a minister or a fellow congregant, asking you to "click here" or enter your personal information. It could have been a scam. And if you have received such an email, you’re not alone.

Tim Byrne, user community liaison and security analyst at the Unitarian Universalist Association, says he hears indirectly about scams targeting UU congregations anywhere from “a couple of times a year to every few months”—and, of course, there may be many more he doesn’t learn about. There are two scams which are fairly common, he says.

One familiar scheme involves a request for a gift card. Someone pretending to be a trusted leader, such as the president of the UUA or a minister, sends an email or text instructing the recipient to purchase gift cards and send them (or the card numbers and PIN codes) to the author of the email or text. The sender claims these cards will be used for a charitable purpose or to serve the congregation. That, however, is not the case; the scammer keeps the gift card for themself.

"We see a bunch of the [scam emails] about gift cards," Byrne says. "It is the more common one we’ve seen around congregations because it plays on people’s desire to help."

"Scammers use public information about staff that is readily available, for instance on the contact page of a congregation’s website," says Larry Stritof, the UUA’s director of Information Technology Services. "Even if the congregation doesn’t include personal information on the contact page, scammers can cross-reference staff members’ names with other online sources like social media that do have more personal information they can use."

Tips to Help Avoid Digital Scams

Vigilance is essential when you receive a suspicious email or text message. Scammers, Byrne says, do not expect to be successful with everyone to whom they send these messages. All it takes is one person.

He offers these tips to avoid falling for scams:

  • When an email asks you to do something, check the "from" email address first. In scam emails, the display name and the actual email address usually do not match; for example, an email is supposedly from a UUA employee but comes from a Gmail or other non-institutional domain instead of a email address.

  • If an email contains a link, hover your mouse or cursor over the link. On cell phones, the process is similar: instead of clicking like normal, press and hold the link. Both ways will show you where the link is actually sending you. "If [the email or text] is saying that it’s coming from American Express or Amazon, but the link is taking you to something that has a different name, then that’s a big red flag," Byrne says.

  • Reach out to the supposed sender through another channel (call, text, visit website directly), and don’t click on a link or scan a QR code without checking with the trusted source.

"Don’t try to hide it—by not sharing your experience, you’re leaving others vulnerable to being compromised."

"It’s important to help people in your congregation understand that these schemes happen and to have established policies in place to deal with them, such as having a consistent way of asking for and accepting gifts," says Stritof.

It is also essential to not be embarrassed if you do fall for a scam.

"Don’t try to hide it—by not sharing your experience, you’re leaving others vulnerable to being compromised. Open communication is a good way to resolve issues and protect others.

Can you spot a phishing scheme? Take a free quiz to practice.



Pledge Reminder FY 24/25

Thank you to all the members who sent in their pledge cards by May 1st. There is still time to get your pledge cards in by the end of the fiscal year on June 30. We have made it easier than ever to set up a recurring gift through our donation platform, GiveButter. They accept all forms of payment, even ACH payments, with approval from your bank.


Our Promises

  • Each person is important.

  • Be kind in all you do.

  • We help each other learn.

  • We search for what is true.

  • Each person has a say.

  • Work for a peaceful world.

  • The web of life’s the way.

  • Build the beloved community, free from racism and oppression.

First Unitarian Church in New Bedford

71 8th Street, New Bedford, MA 02740

(508) 994-9686

Administrator ext. 10

Minister ext. 13

Karen cell: (508) 441-9344

Board Members & Officers

Steve Carmel, President

Charles Morgan, Vice President

Deborah Carmel, Treasurer

Cora Peirce, Clerk


Committee Chairs


The Thrift Shop is open Tuesdays and Saturdays from 10 AM to 1 PM

(508)994-9686 ext.12


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